Hello! I'm Shengjie.

I'm currently a grad student in Computer Software Engineering program in Northeastern University Seattle. I will graduate in 2024 and am actively looking for Software Developer position in the US. I have previous experience in IT and research, and more projects in software and technology. Learn more about me by navigating to my following pages!

Projects and Works

I have been IT intern, Machine Learning intern, and Research Assistant within these years. Besides these real-world experience, I have also finished many projects including full-stack website, Machine Learning models, database design, UI/UX modification, game design, and so many other topics! Click on the thumbnails below to access my most favourite projects or view more on my Gitub or Linkedin pages.

Data Algorithm Note Full-stack App

Job Application Tracking Web App

Clinic Management Database Design

Dog Breed Classification - Machine Learning

Ecommerce Web app

Commercial Analysis: Limited Edition

About Me

This is Shengjie. I'm currently a second-year graduate student in Computer Software Engineering program in Northeastern University, Seattle campus. A fun fact about me is that for my past 4 years, I stayed in San Diego, which is the left bottom corner of the US. And now I move to Seattle, which is the upper left courner!

I'm working hard to become a software engineer ever since I disvovered the beauty of coding. I have experienced a lotttttt these years while I was searching for my career goals. I will be really happy to talk with you if you want to learn more about my ability or if you share the same goal as mine.

I really like to play games -- video games and table games! I also like to go hiking and trying different foods (I'm always waiting for a friend to go trying out all of my pinned resturants!). Recent new interests on my todo list: surfing🏄, photographing📹, and carpentry🪑. Contact me if you'd like to learn more about me/hang out with me!